Saturday, 19 December 2009

Capital or Capitol correct spelling

3,001 Business & Sales Letter Software

Should you use the spelling "capital or "capitol"? Which spelling is correct?

Well, "capital" comes from the Latin "caput" and means a head. This gives us a capital letter at the start or head of a sentence and later the word was used as the head city of a country, usually its administrative center.

Our heads are the administrative centers of our bodies so the metaphor is obvious. In USA the main legislative building is referred to as the "Capitol" on Capitol Hill.

It is probably better to use "capital" in general usage and leave "capitol" for buildings but you will often find people using them interchangeably.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

States capitals and flags of USA

This is a video from a very patriotic American lady intended for students and educators of the states and capitals of the USA where ever they live. She reviews the capital cities of the USA with each state's capital and flag. It starts slow and then increases in speed. The lady challenges you to identify each capital city as it's state is revealed.

If you are a non-American you will learn the correct pronunciation of the state and capital names.

This helpful lady says: " All photos contained herein are royalty free.
Should you desire this film clip for your own personal/school use, simply email me with your request plus your regular or school email address and I will endeavor to email the file to you. No cost or obligation. Freely received and so freely give. Feel free to embed this on your website as well."